Well, let's give an update since I don't write Christmas letters!
Brady is working harder, or er...smarter than ever. He is spending long hours at the office and then working on Scouting when home. In his spare time he jams on his Guitar Hero III with his buddies. The Xbox was the best investment. I can send all 3 boys downstairs and they are happy as can be. Plus, I get some time to myself to think without all the boy noises!!
I am still loving the SAHM gig that I've got. My morning seems pretty similar day after day. It consists of getting Nick off on the bus at 8:30 and running (almost literally) to get to the 9am spinning class at the gym. Then lifting weights or running on the treadmill. 1,000 calories later I am driving home with Carter with enough time to shower and then get Nick from 1/2 day Kindergarten. Nick decided that he likes "parent pickup", but that he wants to ride the bus to school. That's fine with me, I love talking with the other moms. Plus, when it's warm again I will walk to the school and burn a few more calories. Then I fix lunch, Carter goes down for a nap and it's quiet time while Nick reads or beats me at Chess!
A week from tomorrow I am getting a nose job. I've always wanted one and now's my chance!!! No actually, it's just nasal septoplasty and unfortunately not rhinoplasty. I've decided it would be good to actually breathe out of both sides of my nose. Plus, the ENT thinks it will clear up my left ear that has been plugged up off-and-on since 1999! Ugh, it's been soo annoying. Hopefully this do the trick!
Nick, is learning how to play chess and he's quite good at it. We played a bit the other night before bed and he beat me 3 times! I made us play a 4th game before he climed into bed just so I could beat him. The crazy kid said "Mom, I don't think that's a good idea" because it was almost an hour past his bedtime! But, I finally won. Sadly, I wasn't letting him win. He won fair and square!
My little banana-addicted crazy two year old finally decided he liked the gym and quit screaming bloody murder every time we went in. Now if I can just get him to like the doctor! He still loves his trains, planes, buses, cars. Anything that moves! And he has to point out the moon every night and the sun every day. It's really sweet. He is active, active, active! Running, jumping, dancing. Always wanting to wrestle with Mom or Dad or jump across the family room furniture. Grrrr
Looking forward to seeing Mom, Dad and Grandma in February! Bring your coat it is cold!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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