Ok, so obviously I don't blog very often. My life is too crazy to find the time to sit down and document it. I really should though.
So, it's almost May. I don't know where this last year has gone. Nick is almost finished with Kindergarten. I think he's ready for summer. He keeps asking if we are going to buy Six Flags tickets this year. We used to get season passes, but haven't the last 2 years. I guess we'll think about buying them again. It would cost us a bunch just to get there in gas!
Carter and I are deep in potty training. It didn't take but a few days with Nick. Easier to do when you can stay home for 3 days straight in the bathroom. Carter is taking a little bit longer because we tend to start and stop throughout the day depending on what we have going on and what errands I have to run. He's doing really well though! We are going to be pull-up free soon!
So, Brady made it through another round of layoffs at work. We haven't really been worried, but enough with the layoffs already!! They just seem to keep cutting back...and back. We aren't really worried, but it's obviously in the back of our minds. He's still happy with what he's doing though for the most part. Things are constantly changing there, so he certainly can't get bored!
I'm thinking of looking into work myself at a home health agency for pregnant women on bedrest. I'm obviously drawn to the antepartum through postpartum woman. I just don't want to work in a hospital right now, so the laboring mom is out of the question as of now. If only home births weren't illegal in MO! I would really like to be able to work for a midwife or doula and assist in homebirths or even hospital births, but not actually work for the hospital.
I've thought of going back to school to be a doula. I'd really like to help women deliver naturally (w/o an epidural) but, having never done it myself... I don't know. I would be a much more effective coach if I knew exactly what they were going through. I do to a point. The point at which I got my epidural!! Well, I did have a handful of mom's that delivered naturally, but being the nurse isn't exactly the same thing. I was very compassionate and supportive, but I obviously did not feel the delivery.
Speaking of laboring moms...my two girlfriends are both due to deliver in the next week or two. I am sooo excited. A is having a girl and M is having a boy. It is such an exciting time for both of them. I love having a newborn in the house!
But, anyway...I probably won't do anything until until Carter is in full-time preschool and Nick in full-time school too. It's just not the right time for me to work. I love being home and spending my day with my boys. They are growing right before my eyes! Life flies by too fast.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
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