Our babies are 4 Months old! Wow, how time flies. It's proven that we have 2 very different babies.
Our babies are both...
Sleeping 10-12 hours each night. In bed asleep by 7-8pm and awake again at 7am! This is new for Brighton, but Landon's been on this schedule for a while. Drinking 5 1/2 oz bottles at each feeding every 3 hours while awake. Haven't tried cereal or other foods yet, although we've gotten the go-ahead from the Pediatrician. Mama wants to wait until they are 6 months old to start.
Our babies are both...
Sleeping 10-12 hours each night. In bed asleep by 7-8pm and awake again at 7am! This is new for Brighton, but Landon's been on this schedule for a while. Drinking 5 1/2 oz bottles at each feeding every 3 hours while awake. Haven't tried cereal or other foods yet, although we've gotten the go-ahead from the Pediatrician. Mama wants to wait until they are 6 months old to start.

Wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, but some 0-3 month.
Wearing size 2 diapers.
Not rolling over yet. She is lifting her head and chest off the the bed during tummy time, but not as high or as long as her brother.
Is a snuggler! She loves to be held close to your chest or snuggled into your arms. Loves to rock in the glider.
She doesn't care to burp much, it's a petite little girly burp when she does.
Loves to be in the room, in the middle of the action. She is very easy going and will sit and watch everything around her.
Sleeps on her back or side in her crib. She moves quite a bit in her sleep and often wakes up after 40-45 minutes. She prefers the catnap to actual sleep! She can doze off pretty much anywhere and does often. Sometimes she will surprise us though and will sleep a good long stretch with her brother.
Very much resembles her big brother Nick.
Has a very soft spot in her heart for her daddy.

Landon is 12 lb 14 oz and 24 3/4 inches long (7% w/ 30% h)
Wearing both 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes. The length on 0-3 is getting too short for him, but the 3-6 are really too big on him.
Wearing size 2 diapers loosely.
Is rolling over from tummy to back and lifts his head and chest off the bed like a champ!
Can burp like his big brothers. He is all boy. They come quick and are quite loud! His brothers are proud of this talent!
Doesn't like to sit still. He is moving his limbs all around all the time. He does like being held, but when he's tired...he's tired! He will fuss until you put him down in his crib. Once he's comfortable and asleep he doesn't move much at all. He is a very sound sleeper and sleeps on his tummy in his crib. When he's down for a nap in his crib he will sleep for 3-4 hour stretches some of the time.
Spitting image of his brother Carter.
They are both so much fun to have around. Landon loves to get your attention by freely giving big, flashy, gummy smiles and will chuckle out loud. Brighton is just very sweet and has a much softer personality. She smiles a lot with her eyes and will give a very sweet grin when you talk to her. When she's really excited she will smile very wide to which her eyes almost dissapear! Both babies have very bright, very blue eyes!
Carter and Nick are still adjusting to a summer with a pre-occupied mom, but they are doing well. They both want to play video games non-stop (mom doesn't let them), but when prompted to read Nick will get engrosed in a book and not put it down until he's read the whole thing! This weekend Nick and I went shopping and we stopped at the book store to get him some books for our road trip. He picked one up and read it walking through the mall, sitting on the floor of the children's department and the men's department at Macy's and the entire ride home. Multiple people stopped to ask what he was reading because he literally had his nose in the book the ENTIRE time! Carter will often be found lying on the floor of his room flipping through books and if tired he will put himself down for a nap without telling mom. He practices his letters and has learned how to spell his name. Often we will hear him say "Ba..ba..ba..Brighton". He is starting preschool this summer and will be going full-time (7:30a-5:30p) 3 days a week. He went to this school full-time in the infant room when I was working and we really love the school and his new teacher, Ms. Stacie. Nick was previously in Ms. Stacie's room and she is wonderful! Carter recently started saying his nightly prayers by himself and is very proud of himself each time he does.
Our life is very full with our children right now and feel very blessed to be entrusted with such beautiful loving children!
Aw love the pics! The girls next appointment isn't until July 20th so dying to see what their stats are.
Oh, Zann! They are SOOO adorable! What precious little cuties. I just love hearing about them. That's an awesome family picture! What a beautiful family you have. ZANN, YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS! Amazing.
The family photo is kind of sad actually. Everyone looks goofy! That's ok. We're going to try to get a new picture over the 4th of July when we bless the babies.
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