Little Landon and Miss B are now closer to the ½ year mark and growing! According to mama’s scale Landon is approx. 14 lbs and Brighton is 14 ½. They are still wearing 3-6 month clothes although many of Landon’s are still too big. They are also wearing size 2 diapers and drinking 6 oz of milk.

We have had a big month! We loaded the kids up in the car for a 4th of July family reunion (SFR ’09!) in Virginia/Washington DC which was great fun! The twins were blessed in my sister’s home on July 5th by their daddy. It was very touching and we all felt the love from our family and Heavenly Father that day!
While at my sister's house we decided to give Brighton and Landon their first taste of rice cereal. Brighton probably got more down the front of her then what she actually swallowed. Landon sat with it in his mouth and looked at us with that “what the heck is this, Mom?” look. Then he swallowed it and wanted more! He didn’t get much on him!
Brighton and Landon also tried out the pool for the first time. While at the reunion we all went to the water park but chose not to put the babies in the water due to it being too cold. But, on the way home at the hotel the water was just the right temp and we all enjoyed some time out of the car in the pool.
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